Character Wall of Fame 2023-2024

Irwin is Full of Students with Good Character

D. Manuel & R. Eaton
May 17, 2024
Irwin IS Character Wall of Fame 2023-2024 Honorees

A long standing Mustang tradition is the Character Wall of Fame which lines the front hallway of Irwin Intermediate School.  It begins each school year with eight empty frames highlighting eight character traits. As the year progresses, the frames are filled with the photos of proud students who stand out as demonstrating Respect, Responsibility, Integrity, Caring, Perseverance, Trustworthiness, Fairness, and Citizenship.  Those photos are then compiled into a digital collage to highlight on our school broadcast and social media accounts to share this good news with all stakeholders.

Our Character Wall of Fame features Mustangs who have been nominated by students and teachers for these specific character traits. All students and staff are given the opportunity to recognize a student who demonstrates the character trait for that month. We believe in supporting and celebrating social and emotional learning. Please join us in celebrating this year's honorees for Irwin's Character Wall of Fame! 

Irwin IS Character Wall of Fame 2023-2024 Honorees
Please join us in celebrating this year's honorees for the Character Wall of Fame!
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