1:1 Student to Device Ratio for 3rd-12th Grade DoDEA Students
DoDEA is implementing a 1:1 student to device ratio with Chromebooks being issued to 3rd-12th grade students. Assigning students a dedicated device helps to facilitate equitable access to anytime, anywhere learning and allows them access to educational resources beyond the classroom. DoDEA recognizes that access to digital curricular materials and tools is integral to the learning experience which meets national education standards and best practices. Assigned devices will accompany students throughout the day and are expected to taken home after school.
Irwin's student devices are in the process of being issued. Paperwork was sent home yesterday by our 3rd-5th grade classroom teachers. In the coming days, classes will attend a distribution and orientation session with our school's Educational Technologist. Families will receive a copy of their completed paperwork along with their student's assigned device.
P.S. DoDEA PreK-2nd grade classes also receive these new devices, but they are only for school use.