Time to Shine Tuesday, 12/10/24

MBN News Team
Dec 10, 2024
Zoey Time To Shine
This week's #timetoshinetuesday shines a light on third grade Zoey and comes from her parents.

This week's #timetoshinetuesday shines a light on third grade Zoey and comes from her parents.  The MBN News Team summarized what they shared, "Zoey has overcome a lot this year. She started school here in January. She had major surgery in February. She had to take a lot of trips to and from Florida to see her doctor for months. She had to get a series of full leg casts, use a wheelchair and walker, and deal with a rough recovery. She had to re-learn how to walk and ride a bike. Through it all, she has tried to keep her love of life and fun. She has continued to work hard to catch up in school and to be a kind person to others. We think she deserves to be recognized for her strength of will and character.”  

We certainly agree that Zoey deserves this week's time to shine spotlight!  Thank you to her parents for contributing to Irwin's positive digital community. 

MBN News features a Marvelous Mustang each week for Time To Shine Tuesday based on the submissions you provide!  This feature is contributed by adults and is to shout out any Mustang - student or staff.  Share your good news by visiting:

Irwin IS Time to Shine Zoey
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