Thank You Thursday 9/28/23

Sep 27, 2023
An image featuring five girls on the left, accompanied by a message on the right.

This week's #ThankYouThursday is from Cate who wants to thank a group of her friends. Cate writes, “They are all so sweet and when I am sad they make me happy. They are all the best friends you could ever have. They are the most fun people I have ever met. They are the best! Madison, Easton, Braylee, and Kenzie are the best.”  Thank you for sharing Cate!  We are thankful for all of you!

Every Thursday we provide our school community an opportunity to share a thank you on our morning news broadcast. The form to submit a nomination is available in ClassLink for staff and students.

An image featuring five girls on the left, accompanied by a message on the right.
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