Mustang Messenger

Irwin Times, October 2024
October 1, 2024

Admin Announcements

As we begin a new month here at Irwin Intermediate School, we are so excited about all the teaching and learning that has taken place here at school. Students have engaged in a variety of learning activities including live science FOSS curriculum experiments and calligram art projects.

This month we look forward to many fun and exciting activities taking place including our Fall Festival, Red Ribbon Week, Digital Citizenship Week, and our first annual 5K Family and Friends Run/Walk. These activities promote positive choices, good character, and healthy lifestyles for our staff, students, and families. We also look forward to the start of our after-school clubs.

Parents, we thank you again for your support and all you do to ensure our students arrive at school each day ready to learn. We ask that you continue to encourage them to do their absolute best and remain safe and healthy.  We also want to thank our grandparents for joining us on Friday 9/27/2024 to celebrate you and the important role you play in the lives of our students.   

We would like to also remind you to that we maintain an open-door policy and welcome your feedback. 

As always, we thank you for your ongoing partnership and allowing us the privilege to serve you and your students. 

Educationally Yours,

Angelique Johnson

Irwin Intermediate School Exterior Photo 9-12-12

Gentle Reminders:

  • 100% ID CHECK: Please remember to show ID. We have a 100% check when picking up students. 
  • Please do not drop students off prior to 8:00 a.m. (There is no adult supervision prior to this time other than for breakfast).  
  • Student transportation changes must be done in writing prior to 2:00 p.m. (M, T, Th, F) and by 1:00 p.m. on Wednesdays.
DoDEA's official photo of Ms. Angelique Johnson.

Angelique Johnson

Photo of Ms. Christie Cook.

Christie Cook
Assistant Principal

We encourage you to join the Irwin PTO.  

Learn more about the organization and the events they manage by visiting their Facebook page or emailing them at 

Nurse's Notes

Nurse McAllister

Ms. McAllister
School Nurse

Flu season is upon us, and that means it is time for proof of annual flu vaccination for your student to be provided to the school nurse before Dec. 1, 2024, to avoid exclusion from school. 

To ease access to the flu vaccination access, Fort Liberty and Womack will be having four community flu events that all Fort Liberty Students and beneficiaries are welcome to attend on a walk-in basis. 

They will take place in centralized locations on both main post Fort Liberty as well as Linden Oaks. 

The scheduled community events are tentatively scheduled as follows:

  • Friday, Oct 25th at Chat Teen Center in Linden Oaks, 10:00-14:00 (Teacher Workday)
  • Friday, Nov 1st at Tolson Youth Center, 10:00-14:00 (Parent/Teacher Conferences)
  • Saturday, Nov 2nd at Tolson Youth Center, 10:00-14:00
  • Saturday, Nov 16th at Tolson Youth Center, 10:00-14:00

The official flyers will be published for these dates once WAMC receives the first shipment of flu vaccine. To provide proof of immunization parents may send a copy by email or submit a hard copy to the front office. As a reminder you may reach Nurse McAllister by email at:

Counselors' Corner

Ms. DaSilva and Mr. Manuel

Ms. DaSilva and Mr. Manuel
School Counselors

Irwin Intermediate School will participate and honor National Red Ribbon Week October 21st-October 28th. The theme for 2024 is: Life Is A Movie, Film Drug Free. We look forward to having our students participate daily in our themed events to help encourage living a drug-free lifestyle.

Red Ribbon Week at Irwin 2024

DoDEA Elementary school counseling programs are crucial in supporting students’ attitudes and personal views toward school, self, peers, and social groups. In elementary grades, school counseling programs support and provide education on prevention and intervention services, promoting positive academic skills, career awareness, and social-emotional development — skills students need to be competent and confident learners.

The counselor character trait this month is: Responsibility. 

The Irwin Counseling Department would like to encourage students to have healthy personal social skills, rememberable academic experiences and a positive outlook for the future.

Info from the Information Center

Ms. Allen

Ms. Allen
Information Specialist

Our 2nd Annual Book Character Dress-Up Day and Parade is on October 30th!

Participation is optional, but we hope every student will want to dress up as their favorite book character. 

We will send out more information between now and October 30th.

In the meantime. Please help your child start thinking about his/her costume ideas. There are many ideas available online.

We hope your child will be able to carry the book to match their book character.  If they cannot, a printed picture of the book works!

Costume Planning Tips:

  • NO weapons (real or fake) are allowed. 
  • All costumes should be based on a book character.
  • No scary or bloody costumes, please.
  • Masks, wigs, hats, and colored hair are all fine if go with the costume.
  • Please use common sense! If your child must ask if a certain costume or prop is okay, it probably isn’t.

Digital Details

Ms. Eaton

Ms. Eaton
Educational Technologist

'Mustangs Broadcasting Network'

Did you know that Irwin has a school broadcasting channel? Mustangs Broadcasting Network produces a daily news program that includes traditional school announcements along with opportunities for other students to participate. The show is called MBN News and is streamed live each morning by 8:15.

Teams of 5th grade students manage the daily operations to include staying after school to develop scripts that include birthdays, cafeteria menus, upcoming events, guests, and daily features. During the broadcast, they advance the script and background slides; operate the AV mixer with cameras, background slides, and video inputs; and appear on camera. Each day a pre-recorded video of students leading the Pledge of Allegiance are included along with a daily student guest. The sign-ups for daily guests fill up quickly.

The show also includes daily features that students, and even parents, can contribute to. Parents can request their child be introduced on "Meet a Mustang" or they can give their child or staff member a special shout out for "Time to Shine Tuesday".  Both of these can be done by visiting  Staff and students can visit Share the Good @ Irwin IS which is on their ClassLink dashboard. Students can also contribute to "Word of the Week", "Thank You Thursday", and "Funny Friday".  The submissions for are seen by the broadcast team who then selects which one to feature.  

We hope you'll tune in and consider subscribing or giving a thumbs up to our student broadcasters!

DoDEA Chromebooks are assigned property provided to students in 3rd grade and above. If the device itself is lost or damaged, please report that to the school immediately. If replacement accessories are necessary due to loss or damage to the stylus, charger, or sleeve, please visit for links to DoDEA approved after market products.    

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School Hours

School Hours Regular Hours Wednesday Hours
Office Hours 7:30 am - 4:00 pm 7:30 am - 4:00 pm
Teachers 7:30 am - 3:30 pm 7:30 am - 3:30 pm
Students 8:20 am - 2:55 pm 8:20 am - 2:10 pm

Wednesdays are Early Release days

Cafeteria Hours Start End
Breakfast 7:45 am 8:15 am
Lunch 10:30 am 12:35 pm
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