SY 25-26 Student Re-registration Window Opens on February 26

The Student Re-registration window opens on February 26. Parents should complete a re-registration for each currently enrolled student by the end of the school year. During re-registration, parents will indicate whether their student will be withdrawing or returning for the upcoming school year.

New Student Registration will be closed from March 2nd – March 12th to update system functionality. If your student needs to be registered while New Student Registration is unavailable, please contact your school.

Mustang Messenger

Irwin Times, November 2024
November 1, 2024

Admin Announcements

Dear Irwin Parents, Family, and Friends,

As we welcome the month of November, we extend our heartfelt gratitude for your continued partnership and engagement with our school and students.  Fall is a season of thanks and appreciation. We are grateful for your unwavering support and involvement, which have been instrumental in the success of our recent events, including the first annual “Irwin Walk/Run,” the “Book Character Parade,” the “Fall Festival,” and our Parent/Teacher Conferences. Education is a collaborative effort, and your dedication is invaluable.

As Thanksgiving approaches, we invite you to join us for our Holiday Luncheon with your student(s) on Thursday, November 21, 2024. We anticipate a high level of participation and appreciate your patience in advance.  We also extend our deepest gratitude to all the men and women, past and present, who have courageously served our country. We honor your service and wish you a Happy Veteran’s Day. It is our privilege to serve our military-connected students and families.

Wishing everyone a happy, healthy, and safe holiday season.

Ms. A. Johnson and Ms. C. Cook

Irwin Intermediate School Exterior Photo 9-12-12

Gentle Reminders:

  • 100% ID CHECK: Please remember to show ID. We have a 100% check when picking up students. 
  • Please do not drop students off prior to 8:00 a.m. (There is no adult supervision prior to this time other than for breakfast).  
  • Student transportation changes must be done in writing prior to 2:00 p.m. (M, T, Th, F) and by 1:00 p.m. on Wednesdays.
DoDEA's official photo of Ms. Angelique Johnson.

Angelique Johnson

Photo of Ms. Christie Cook.

Christie Cook
Assistant Principal

Irwin PTO logo

We encourage you to join the Irwin PTO.  

Learn more about the organization and the events they manage by visiting their Facebook page or emailing them at

Nurse's Notes

Nurse McAllister

Ms. McAllister
School Nurse


This is a reminder that all DoDEA students are required to receive the annual influenza vaccine in accordance with DoDEA Regulation 2942.1. You MUST submit proof of immunization to the school nurse by December 1, 2024 to prevent your child from being excluded from school.

There are multiple Womack Army Medical Center Flu Drives left!
Friday, Nov 1st Tolson Youth Center 1000-1400    (Parent Teacher Conferences - No classes)
Saturday, Nov 2nd Tolson Youth Center  1000-1400  (Weekend Event)
Thursday, Nov 7th  Robinson Health Clinic 1630-1830  
Tuesday, Nov 12th Family Medicine Clinic 1630-1830  
Wednesday, Nov 13th Clark Health Clinic 1630-1830  
Saturday, Nov 16th Tolson Youth Center 1000-1400  (Weekend Event)
Tuesday, Nov 19th Byars Health Clinic 1630-1830  

If parents choose not to vaccinate, they must come to the school and speak with the school nurse who will explain the protective benefits of the immunization, provide the Vaccine Information Sheet, and have the parent sign the exemption form if they choose to continue with exemption. This must be completed annually.

If there is a medical reason why the student cannot receive the vaccine, a copy of the medical documentation may be accepted and attached to the medical exemption form. This only needs to be completed one time.

Please direct all questions to the school nurse

OR call 910-861-7131

Counselors' Corner

Ms. DaSilva and Mr. Manuel

Ms. DaSilva and Mr. Manuel
School Counselors

The counselor character trait this month is: Integrity.  Congratulations to the students who were recognized for September's Character Wall of Fame for Respect.  

DoDEA Elementary school counseling programs are crucial in supporting students’ attitudes and personal views toward school, self, peers, and social groups. In elementary grades, school counseling programs support and provide education on prevention and intervention services, promoting positive academic skills, and career awareness — skills students need to be competent and confident learners.

The Irwin Counseling Department would like to encourage students to have healthy personal social skills, rememberable academic experiences and a positive outlook for the future.


🔎FAQs for DoDEA Student Information System (DSIS) Family Portal for families of DoDEA 4th-12th graders:
1. Why would I use this? To check student grades and attendance. 
2. Why is it sometimes referred to as Aspen? Aspen is the vendor currently used as DoDEA's DSIS provider.
3. Where do I access? Every DoDEA school's website has a link in the Resources section and at the bottom of the home page for the DSIS Family Portal. You can find a Parent Tip Sheet there, too.
4. What if I lost my login information? Your Family Portal login is the email address you provided at registration. If you have forgotten your password, follow the password recovery steps by clicking "I forgot my password".
5. What if my account is disabled? You do not have to do anything. DODEA has a procedure that runs every 60 minutes that will reset the account and send out a temporary password for you to log in. You will be required to change your password next time you log in.

While 4th-12th grade have regular academic information posted in the DSIS; all families have an account & can review the contact information they have on file & let the school know if information needs to be updated. This is the application used for registration/reregistration.

Info from the Information Center

Ms. Allen

Ms. Allen
Information Specialist

Irwin's 2nd Annual Book Character Day and Parade was a resounding success.  Thank you to everyone for participating.  Please visit our Facebook Photo Album from that day to see the fun we had celebrating the love of reading.  

Did you know that every student at Irwin has access to an online library of over 13,000 eBooks. 1,000's of audiobooks, as well as a multitude of subscription based databases ALL FOR FREE?

Each student has gone through lessons during their time in the library on how to access these resources online.

If your student has Chromebook they bring home, ask them to show you!  They'll need to access Classlink and then find the Irwin Information Center Folder.  From there have them show you how to open up MackinVia.  It is the rainbow wheel one.

If they don't have a Chromebook at home, consider downloading the MackinVia app!.  They'll need to use their Google Account information to login.

MackinVia is open 24/7, your student can access it from wherever there is an internet connection and whenever!

Check it out!

If you have any questions regarding access please do not hesitate to reach out.

Julie Allen
Information Specialist

Digital Details

Ms. Eaton

Ms. Eaton
Educational Technologist

'Mustangs Broadcasting Network'

Did you know that Irwin has a school broadcasting channel? Mustangs Broadcasting Network produces a daily news program that includes traditional school announcements along with special features.  The show is called MBN News and is streamed live each morning by 8:15.

Teams of 5th grade students manage the daily operations. This includes staying after school to develop scripts that include birthdays, cafeteria menus, upcoming events, guests, and daily features. During the broadcast, they manage the script and backgrounds; operate the AV mixer with cameras, backgrounds, and video inputs; and appear on camera. Each day a pre-recorded video of students leading the Pledge of Allegiance are included along with a daily student guest. The sign-ups for daily guests fill up quickly. Any student with Media Release permissions are allowed to sign-up as a guest.

The show also includes daily features that students, and even parents, can contribute to. Parents can request their child be introduced on "Meet a Mustang" or they can give their child or a staff member a special shout out for "Time to Shine Tuesday".  Both of these can be done by visiting  Staff and students can visit Share the Good @ Irwin IS which is on their ClassLink dashboard. Students can also contribute to "Word of the Week", "Thank You Thursday", and "Funny Friday".  The submissions for are seen by the broadcast team who then selects which one to feature.   

We hope you'll tune in and consider subscribing or giving a thumbs up to our student broadcasters!

DoDEA Chromebooks are assigned property provided to students in 3rd grade and above. If the device itself is lost or damaged, please report that to the school immediately. If replacement accessories are necessary due to loss or damage to the stylus, charger, or sleeve, please visit for links to DoDEA approved after market products.    

When students use a computer at a DoDEA school, DoDEA’s network web content filtering helps block inappropriate content in compliance with the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA). The DoDEA IT Division also implemented the Lightspeed Filter on all student Chromebooks.  This is a is a web filtering technology designed for K-12 students and is powered by a comprehensive database of web indexing. If a student attempts to access a blocked site 10 times in 60 seconds, the account will be locked for five minutes.

From the DoDEA Student Responsible Use Agreement signed by sponsors and students in grades 3-12:  DoDEA expects that students will use DoDEA-issued digital resources responsibly and only for school purposes. It is expected that students are responsible digital citizens including recognizing the rights, responsibilities of themselves and others. Students should act and model in ways that are safe, legal, and ethical. DoDEA issued devices have internet filtering software in place. Parents and/or guardians must still assume responsibility for monitoring their student's activity while using their school-issued device. Students are responsible for the appropriate use of all digital resources.

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School Hours

School Hours Regular Hours Wednesday Hours
Office Hours 7:30 am - 4:00 pm 7:30 am - 4:00 pm
Teachers 7:30 am - 3:30 pm 7:30 am - 3:30 pm
Students 8:20 am - 2:55 pm 8:20 am - 2:10 pm

Wednesdays are Early Release days

Cafeteria Hours Start End
Breakfast 7:45 am 8:15 am
Lunch 10:30 am 12:35 pm
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