Mustang Messenger

Irwin Times, March 2025
March 7, 2025

Admin Announcements

Dear Irwin School Family and Friends,

As we enter the month of March, we would like to take a moment to remind everyone that there are less than 60 student days remaining in this school year. As the end of the year approaches, it is crucial that we maintain a strong focus on academic growth and continue to support our students in finishing the year successfully.

We kindly ask for your continued support in ensuring that students remain dedicated to their learning during this final stretch. Here are a few suggestions for how you can assist us in this effort:

Encourage your child to remain organized and prioritize completing assignments on time.
Support them in setting academic goals and maintaining a positive attitude toward their studies.
Ensure that they are receiving adequate rest and maintaining a healthy balance between school and other activities.
We also encourage you to stay in regular communication with your child’s teachers. Teachers are available to discuss any concerns or questions you may have and are committed to supporting your child's academic progress.

With the arrival of spring just around the corner, we hope the changing season brings renewed energy and enthusiasm to both students and staff as we continue to move forward in our learning endeavors.

Please also note that Daylight Saving Time begins on Sunday, March 9th. Remember to turn your clocks forward by one hour.

Additionally, the end of the 3rd Quarter is approaching on March 27th. This provides an excellent opportunity for students to assess their progress and set their sights on a strong finish to the academic year.

Finally, we would like to express our gratitude to all who participated in Read Across America Week. Your involvement in promoting the joy of reading is truly appreciated, and it plays an essential role in fostering a love of learning in our students.

Thank you for your continued partnership and support.


Your Admin Team

Irwin Intermediate School Exterior Photo 9-12-12

Gentle Reminders:

  • 100% ID CHECK: Please remember to show ID. We have a 100% check when picking up students. 
  • Please do not drop students off prior to 8:00 a.m. (There is no adult supervision prior to this time other than for breakfast).  
  • Student transportation changes must be done in writing prior to 2:00 p.m. (M, T, Th, F) and by 1:00 p.m. on Wednesdays.
Irwin PTO logo

We encourage you to join the Irwin PTO.  

Learn more about the organization and the events they manage!
Visit their Facebook page  
Email them at

Photo of Ms. Christie Cook.

Ms. Christie Cook

91 Rhine Road Bldg B-6138
Fort Bragg, NC 28307-0089
United States


Mystery Guest Reader Military Member event

Mark Your Calendars!  April is the Month of the Military Child and it's a busy month around here. Be sure to look at the Upcoming Events section included below and our School Calendar.  A few of the events to be aware of:

Irwin military parents as Mystery Guest readers. This event is by reservation only. Each Wednesday of April, from 1:35-1:50, we hope to have a military parent reading in each of our classes. Use the provided link to choose your child's teacher and day; if there are none available that means they've all been booked! Shhh, keep it a mystery for your child! We will have military child books available, or you are welcome to bring a family favorite. 

MOMC Clap-In Cheer on our Students

Parents Morning "Clap In" on April 1st and Parents Afternoon "Chalk the Walk" on April 30th. 

Class Pictures on April 7th AND Spring Pictures on April 7th. Spring Pictures will be available for purchase and will be taken as makeup yearbook photos for students and staff who missed Fall Picture Days. 

Wear PURPLE every Wednesday, especially April 9th: DoDEA Worldwide PurpleUp! Day.

Good News is worth sharing! Follow, Subscribe, Like, Share our positive social media!

Nurse's Notes

Nurse McAllister

Ms. McAllister
School Nurse

Knowing when to keep your child home can be difficult. The following are examples of when a student should remain home:

1.A temperature greater than or equal to 100 degrees Fahrenheit. The student must be fever-free without the use of fever-reducing medication for 24 hours (a complete school day) before returning to school.

2. Actively vomiting or has diarrhea. If episodes of vomiting in the past 24 hours, student must remain home until vomiting resolves for 24 hours.  

3. Other symptoms interfering with learning or participation, such as abdominal pain; earache; itchy, painful eyes; light-sensitivity; or profuse exudate from the eyes necessitating frequent wiping. The student must remain at home until symptoms clear or completion of 24 hours of medical provider-prescribed ophthalmic treatment.

4. Severe uncontrolled coughing or wheezing, rapid or difficult breathing, and coughing lasting longer than five to seven days.

5. Blister-like lesions that develop into pustules with weeping and crusting must be medically evaluated, remain home for at least 24 hours after initiation of medical treatment and remain home until determined not infectious by a medical provider. Lesions must be covered for school attendance including Ringworm lesions.

6. Measles, mumps, rubella, chicken pox, pertussis, and influenza. Student must remain home until determined to be not infectious by a medical care provider.

If your child becomes ill during the school day, the school nurse will contact you to pick up your child. To return to school, your child must be without symptoms for 24 hours and fever-free without fever-reducing medications for at least 24 hours.

Jessica McAllister MSN, RN
Irwin Intermediate School Nurse

Counselors' Corner

Ms. DaSilva and Mr. Manuel

Ms. DaSilva and Mr. Manuel
School Counselors

Transitions and Adjustments    

Students are approaching the end of the 3rd quarter. It is important to remember that things are changing and shifting to prepare students to demonstrate mastery of the curriculum. The beginning of 4th quarter starts with clocks moved forward and a change in the amount of daylight. Please help student consider other important changes happening during this time.

Permanent change of Station (PCS): Moves are both fun and exciting to students. However, this can be a stressful time for students as they leave behind the close friendships and their consistent class routines.

Comprehensive Assessment System (CAS): The comprehensive assessments will take place in May. Students will need to get plenty of rest and attend school regularly to gain knowledge and skills to demonstrate mastery of the curriculum.

Matriculation to Middle School: Each year we say "farewell, until we meet again" to our rising 6th grade students and "welcome" to a new group of 2nd graders. Students that class up to 6th grade will be joined by students from two additional schools here on base. Our new 2nd grade students will be introduced to a new environment that has different classroom arrangements from the primary school.

Let’s keep students at the forefront of why we are here. Speak with your children and let them know that the counseling team is here for them if needed.

Info from the Information Center

Ms. Allen

Ms. Simmons
Information Specialist

Did you know that Irwin's school library has over 11,000 books?  In addition to that we have over 10,000 eBooks and over 1,000 audio books available for MackinVia all for FREE.  Your student can login to MackinVia through their ClassLink account to access these resources.

Also available in ClassLink is MackinVision. This is our new Library Cataloging system.  In addition to seeing what books and eBooks we have available, there are monthly curated choice boards full of an array of activities placed on the News Page.  Be sure to check it monthly for the most current Irwin Information Center news!
Julie Simmons
Information Specialist

Digital Details

Ms. Eaton

Ms. Eaton
Educational Technologist

'Mustangs Broadcasting Network'

Navigating our increasingly digital lives can be complicated at any age. Here are some conversation starters for families.

  • How does our behavior online affect ourselves and others? What are some things we value in our family? How do those help us think about choices we make when we're online?
  • What does healthy media balance look like for our family? What are the different kinds of activities, both online and offline, that we value? Can we set healthy goals and limits for technology?
  • How can we stay as safe as possible on the internet? What is okay to share?  What is not okay to share? What do we do when we make a mistake online?
  • What are ways to keep online interactions kind and comfortable? With games? With school projects? With text messages? With social media?
  • Who are the trusted adults you can talk to if you see or do something online that makes you uncomfortable?

We hope you'll tune in and consider subscribing or giving a thumbs up to our team of student broadcasters!    They have set a goal to reach 1,000 subscribers this school year.  Parents can share good news content to have their student introduced for Meet A Mustang or for a congratulatory shout-out for Time To Shine.

Each day a different guest student participates and a group of students' Pledge of Allegiance video is featured. The only way to know which, is to watch. All students, with approved Media Release, are invited to participate in Pledge of Allegiance recordings and to sign-up to be a featured special guest each day. Parents who may have marked Decline or Yearbook Only can update Media Release permissions by visiting the front office.  


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School Hours

School Hours Regular Hours Wednesday Hours
Office Hours 7:30 am - 4:00 pm 7:30 am - 4:00 pm
Teachers 7:30 am - 3:30 pm 7:30 am - 3:30 pm
Students 8:20 am - 2:55 pm 8:20 am - 2:10 pm

Wednesdays are Early Release days

Cafeteria Hours Start End
Breakfast 7:45 am 8:15 am
Lunch 10:30 am 12:35 pm
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